Out of Commission

My Fellow Bloggers & Followers.

I had previously mentioned that I was suffering from pain in my knee, and the inconvenience and discomfort I endured during my recent trip in the Baltic area. Time to take care of the problem has presented itself and having been a candidate for a total knee replacement, I took the decision to proceed. The surgery will take place tomorrow in the morning. I am signing off for the moment until I can resume normal activities and feed you with more enjoyable photos in the future. Meanwhile, I will check the WordPress site whenever possible and continue to give you my personal feedback. Take good care and keep on shooting.

Roseate Spoonbills_0607

The roseate spoonbill is a gregarious wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family, Threskiornithidae. A bizarre wading bird of the southern coasts, the Roseate Spoonbill uses its odd bill to strain small food items out of the water. Its bright pink coloring leads many Florida tourists to think they have seen a flamingo.

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MIghty Gator_1387

Although alligators don’t have any huge behavioral changes, some changes do occur during their mating season. The alligator mating season runs from April through July. Males are more likely to become territorial during mating season. If multiple gators are kept together more confrontations will occur and you will hear their unmistakable bellow. If you have ever seen or heard an alligator bellow, you’d know that it is an interesting thing. he alligator arches its back, raises its head and tail, and then you hear this long, roaring bellow. The sound produces underwater vibrations which create a unique appearance to the water. You can even feel the vibrations if standing on a boardwalk over the alligator that is bellowing.
If you have a full grown alligator, or one that can cause you some serious harm, just keep your distance, and to be blunt, treat them as you would a cranky wife during her “special time of the month.”

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Stilt is a common name for several species of birds in the family Recurvirostridae, which also includes those known as avocets. They are found in brackish or saline wetlands in warm or hot climates. They have extremely long legs, hence the group name, and long thin bills. Stilts typically feed on aquatic insects and other small creatures and nest on the ground surface in loose colonies.




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